Meeting in Hungary
Bicske, Hotel Báder
Planting an apple tree
Welcome by the Headmaster of Csokonai School
The Group for Austria
The Group from Czech Republic
Polish group
Polish group 2
The Group from Portugal
The Group from Spain
The Group from Turkey
The Group from Debrecen
The Group from Bicske
Introducing friends
Many presents from all of the countries
Meeting in the library in Bicske
In the building of Prohászka street
Preparing for Town-rally
Love blanket
At work
Everybody is helping
I have my quote in my mobile
Love is simple...
Austiran colleague at work
A quote from Portugal
Another quote from the Portuguese coordinator
Our headmaster put the apple tree into its place
Students at work
Apple tree of friendship from Austria
Apple tree in front of our school
Parliament visit
Inside the Parliament
In front of the Parliament
Have a rest
The view from Gellért hill
At the Fishermen's Bastion
Items: 1 - 40 of 128