Welcome to our website

„We ourselves feel that what we are doing is

just a drop in the ocean. 

But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.”

                                                                   Mother Teresa


Welcome to Drops of Love

This website is devoted to Love which is the most important emotion all over the world.

As a visitor, you will be able to get to know different interpretation of Love of our countries.


The project called “DROPS” has two aims.
First it is a project that aims at prolonging and nurturing each country’s traditions and culture by increasing students` cultural awareness while accepting each other’s identity and diversity to build on the European dimension in the long term.
Second it is an acronym of “Dialogue to Renew Old Philosophy of Schools”. We will have a look at our past, discuss and analyse the present situation of each schools and plan and create new methods for the future.
Through these “DROPS” we will initiate the mental and emotional development of our students by widening their knowledge and hence encouraging them to accept diversity and different opinions. It will contribute to show positive emotions towards parents and peers and we intend to involve them in an innovative school that will allow them to express their opinion about teaching, and learning methodologies.     
“DROPS” is a project to make our students aware of values in tradition, to protect our environment, to use foreign languages as a tool of communication, to preserve old inside values in communities and  it is also a project about how to develop the so called old school in the 21st century innovative school.

About Us


8 schools' teachers (coordinators) from 7 countries worked on a common project to give opportunities for their students to learn how to use a language as a means of expressing their ideas in practice (real life situations) and learn about each others culture, tradition, nature, school system and make friends.

This project will be a great opportunity for the teachers to exchange their experiences on the fields of motivation, communication, and modelling good things. Through describing our every day life,national customs and traditions using our opportunities and getting rid of our bad habits, we would like to create a better and happier future for everybody in Europe and improving basic competences.

Report about the Hungarian meeting


From 18th May to 24th May 2014 we met in Hungary. It was the longest meeting because two towns were involved in this project and Bicske shared the meeting with Debrecen. Our topic was DROPS OF LOVE.

As a pre-task there was a logo competition where students from the 8 participating schools were asked to create a logo for our meeting. The students had to prepare in advance different products for an exhibition about how we show love.

The program at Bicskei Csokonai Vitéz Mihály Primary school started on 19th May. All the students and teachers arrived to the host school, some from a hotel and some from their host families together with their host students. After a short welcome ceremony, where the school headmaster welcomed the guests and all the countries and participants introduced themselves, all the kids visited some lessons with their hosts. While the students visited lessons the teacher coordinators had their first meeting in the school library. They talked about the upcoming program and the afternoon activities, and started the preparation for the next meeting in Spain.

At 11 o’clock the school coordinator guided the guests to the other building of the school, where they visited the lower primary classes, met the deputy headmistress and were welcomed by the vice mayor of the town. They also got some T-shirts as a present from the town Bicske. After a nice lunch at Korona Restaurant the kids and teachers went back to school and started a competition called town rally, where kids had to carry out tasks such as writing down street names or finding famous places in town.

Arriving back from town, all the participants started working on a common product called love blanket and wrote quotations and sayings about love and drew nice motives.

Learning about the culture and history of the host country is a part of the experience too, so on Tuesday the international group visited the Hungarian capital city Budapest. Besides watching famous landmarks of the city we had the opportunity to have a guided tour in the Parliament building.

The next day we set off for Debrecen. On the way we stopped and visited a very famous town called Eger, which is famous for its wine and for its Turkish history. We arrived to Debrecen to Vénkerti Primary School and Basic School of Arts at around 7 pm and were welcomed by the school headmistress and the host families were waiting for us too.

The next day all the guests participated in the welcome ceremony which was presented by the host students in the hall of our school. The programme involved folk dancing, ballet performances and some piano music. The participants visited the exhibition named ”Drops of love”. All the displayed products were the creations of the students of the eight partner schools.

In the afternoon we walked into the city centre and watched the most famous sights of Debrecen: The Great Reformed Church, The Main Square with the Fountains and the world famous Trilogy by Mihály Munkácsy in the Déri Museum. On Friday the kids participated in the different workshops of our Art School. They happily created friendship bracelets, different medals with enamel technique and everybody worked on the huge ”Drops of Love” mosaic. After the staff meeting the teachers tried their talent in all the mentioned arts and crafts too.

In the Media room all the guests and the host kids learnt some basic steps of the Hungarian folk dance and then they watched a short play presented by our students in English. After that the students practiced together some important Hungarian expressions with the help of the language survival kit. It was great fun! The farewell dinner was happy and sad at the same time because while having the delicious food and dancing together everybody was thinking about the next day trip…home. It was the longest project meeting and we hope that both the memories and the friendships will last long as well.


Thanks for the hostfamilies

30/10/2014 17:40
Many thanks for the Hungarian hostfamilies who made our meeting successful with their offers.

Updated pictures in Photogallery

05/06/2014 17:06
Have a look at the Photogallery. All the pictures are in chronological order now. You, teachers can...

Hungarian expressions to practice

08/04/2014 18:33
Here you can find Hungarian expressions to practice if you come to Hungary in May.  Enjoy our...

Logo Competition's results

20/03/2014 11:10
The following logos won prices in our Logo competition:  1.  Sáfár Noel 8.d...

Logo competition

07/12/2013 19:48
Enter a competition! Have a look at the page.


25/11/2013 15:06
Find the ideas we collected as pre-tasks for the Meeting in Hungary.

Meeting in Hungary

02/11/2013 19:51
In May 2014 Hungary will host our Comenius friends in both towns such as Bicske and Debrecen. More...


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